Extremely fragrant flower. Very-very sweet smell!! one of the best. a must for collector of only fragrant plant. 1st pic is the hybrid and 2nd is jungle collected spp. This species is a small sized, hot growing, pendant growing epiphyte from Malaysia and Borneo. In semenanjung, similar looking and smell is phal violacea. always confuse between the two. is it a totally diff spp or just a different form/variety. tuhan je la yang tau. la ni tiap2 hari hujan. takut kena kena crown-rot je. few gone to heaven already....
The most sought after is the one that have round sepal and petal or perfect star shape. found one during ipoh show where the petal move backward and almost touch each other. asking price is RM1000.00 but sold according to the seller....mcm aku tak tau dia sebenarnya tak nak jual. just want the scare away the potential buyer. 1 ribu kalu, sebulan la aku mkn nasi sup okid...hehe.
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