Best plant of the show - Dendrobium Bigibum pink.
Best species of the show - Paph rotchildianum
Best hybrid of the show - Phal hybrid - big white flower
Paph rothchildianum
Liparis lacerata
Bul lepidum and Liparis lacerata both won 1st place in its respective category....:-).

Ini Cirr. Lion King (C. medusae X C. masterianum) betul2 buat member terliuqqqq, vincent tak nak bagi cutting tu..lecehhh.. For the best spp of the show, rothchild fiercely competed with lacerata and eventually won as finally chosen by Dato president...:-(. As usual the voting was done via poll. Personally, this is the best approach as each judges cant be influences by others compared to show of hand. If draw, then only show of hand will proceed. The decision to ask Dato to choose the winner for the best spp came about after the 2 plants gathered equal number of votes after 2 round of voting.
me have to abstain as lacerata is there. haiyaaa Dato, awat la....
Cikgu was admitted in icu due to heart problem. during our visit he still asking about the show. anyway, the event proceed succesfully eventho ajk panicking on the prize money. nasib baik dato came to the rescue...
am sure Cikgu miss the show soo much but its high time for the young guns to take over. Our thoughts & prayers are with you Cikgu, get well really soon cikgu...kesian anakcucu kat laman tu.
Maybe if i were there...the result must be different...:)
find time bro...:-D
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