ON 29/1 aku hantar min & irfan to this one day programme at iutm shah alam. nabil & sarah pon joint. so ok la, ada geng.
lepas programme tu aku tengok budak2 ni happy jer. compare notes, sapa paling cepat siap etc. aku tanya, best tak? 4-4 cakap...'sejukkkkk'.
so next time kalau ada, regis
biasa la bab belajar, nak abis cepat jer tapi kalu bab main...abah sempat tak balik kul 6 ni, nabil nak main bola la. ceh, ko yang nak main cakap nabil yer....sekeh kang.
lepas seminggu sumer yg depa belajar tu kalu tak practice, ke parit jer la.
tapi tak kesah, its the experience that count, making new fren, learn new technique.
Eria albidotomentosa
musky scented hairy eria. first saw this spp when dato' brought this, if memory serve me right, during the earliest show when we formed the club.
me still prefer the show at the club house rather than in the shopping complex, but as they claimed, more crowd, more sale, more commercial value...cant argue with that.
...........never mind senor Tores, here come Suarezzzzzzz.......
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