During our trip to Fraser hill last time we brought down i bulbo species with a very big leaf. i dont know the name of this plant altho surviving, i think it wont flower at home. On 24/9/05 aku g rumah zaid kat cheras and woola the bulbo species flowered and the plant is healthy. he hang them exactly on the top of his pond and heavily shaded. i dont hv pond at home and i think its a setback coz evry orchid hobyist should hv one.

I cant take a closeup pic or even smell the flower coz if i do so i'll be swimming in his pond but i do notices that the flower was surrounded by flies. Zaid bulbo lobii also look healthy. Phaius collosus is happily flowering there too. Zaid's bulb. paten has grown and hidup nicely climbing his mangga tree. just like if u see one in the jungle...
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